Regular exercise is the ultimate recipe for staying healthy and active as you age. Sometimes, though, it's not that easy.
Many older people face an injury, disease, condition, or disability that makes activities difficult or even makes them seem impossible. If you fall into this category, custom sports could be the opportunity you've been waiting for.
Popular options are cycling, skiing, archery, kayaking, rowing, tennis, bowling, swimming, basketball and golf. (In 2022, the U.S. Golf Association inaugurated the first U.S. Custom Games as part of its 15th national championship.)
For people with disabilities or limitations, it may be even more critical to stay active. Lack of regular exercise greatly increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes and cancer, says Dr. Blauwet.
Adapted sports can also boost emotional health. A study published in June 2019 in Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review found that individuals who participate in adapted sports and activities report significantly better overall health and quality of life and more satisfying social lives.
Find the activity that suits you
Start custom sports
What kind of custom sport or activity you choose depends on your interests and your level of functionality, says Dr. Blauwet. Here are some ways to help you find the one that works best for you.
Focus on your strengths. Don't focus on what you can't do, but on what you can't. Is running no longer possible for you? Try dynamic walking using walking sticks for support. Can't use your feet fully? Focus on his activities.