It is well known that regular exercise is a "weapon" against various chronic diseases, contributes to weight management and enhances heart, muscle and bone health. New data that came to light by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) are now coming to underline its anti-inflammatory action. The new findings give hope for a more effective treatment of diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia through exercise, which is an economical and easily accessible means of promoting health. According to a study published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, a moderate-intensity workout lasting just 20 minutes activates the immune system to initiate anti-inflammatory processes. "Every time we exercise we do something extremely beneficial for our body on many levels, including the immune cell level," says Suzi Hong, lead author of the study. "The anti-inflammatory effect of exercise has long been known to scientists, but a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that lead to this result is the key to maximizing its benefits in a safe way," adds the researcher. "Training does not have to be very intense to have anti-inflammatory action. "Twenty minutes to half an hour of moderate-intensity exercise seems to be enough," says Hong. At fitness together we are with you, to advise you from the beginning to the end of your training.
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